album Reek Of Putrefaction
groupe Carcass
label Earache Records
année 1988
style death metal
lyrics clickez ici site officiel http://www.cwr.cjb.net/
01. Genital Grinder
02. Regurgitation Of Giblets
03. Maggot Colony
04. Pyosified (Rotten To The Gore)
05. Carbonized Eyesockets
06. Frenzied Detruncation
07. Vomited Anal Tract
08. Festerday
09. Fermenting Innards
10. Excreted Alive
11. Suppuration
12. Foeticide
13. Microwaved Uterogestation
14. Feast On Dismembered Carnage
15. Splattered Cavities
16. Psychopathologist
17. Burnt To A Crisp
18. Pungent Excruciation
19. Manifestation Of Verrucose Urethra
20. Oxidised Razor Masticator
21. Mucopurulence Excretor
22. Malignant Defecation