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Chronique des membres  >  Judas Iscariot - Thy Dying Light
Judas Iscariot - Thy Dying Light

album Thy Dying Light
groupe Judas Iscariot
label Moribund Records
année 1996
style black metal
lyrics indisponibles


01. But Eternals Beheld His Vast Forests
02. His Eternal Life, like a Dream was Obliterated
03. Helpless it Lay, like a Worm in His Frozen Track
04. Behold, Our Race of Unstoppable Genius
05. From His Woven Darkness Above
06. Writhing upon the Wind of Mystic Philosophy and Dreams
07. They Saw His Pale Visage Emerge from the Darkness
08. Thy Dying Light, and Desolate Darkness
09. Arise, My Lord of Infernal Wisdom

aucun membre n'a posté de chronique pour cet album

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