album Necrospective
groupe Natron
label Holy Records
année 2003
style death metal
lyrics indisponibles site officiel http://www.natron.it/
1. Elmer The Exhumer
2. Enthroned In Repulsion
3. Leechlord
4. Flesh Of A Sick Virgin
5. The Stake Crawlers
6. Undead Awaken
7. Heretics Consume The Deceased
8. Morgue Feast
9. Flesh Of A Sick Virgin
10. Quarantaine Of Leprosy
11. Leechlord
12. The Unearthed Christ
13. The Stake Crawlers
14. Phase 1 : Ingestion
15. Phase 2 : Activation
16. Phase 3 : Regurgitation & Death
17. Phase 1 : Placement
18. Phase 2 : Absorption
19. Phase 3 : Apotheosis
20. The Arms (1)
21. The Arms (2)
22. The Arms (3)
23. Psalm 59
24. Elmer The Exhumer Vs 2002