album Macabre Paradigm
groupe Vomit Orchestra
label Autumn Wind Productions
année 2005
style black ambient/ambient experimental
lyrics indisponibles
Disc 1 : (Contiens toutes les démos sorties auparavant)
1. Under the Shadows... (demo, 2002)
2. Behold... the Eve of Conclusion (demo, 2002)
3. Black (demo, 2002)
4. Drone (demo, 2002)
5. Decrepit (demo, 2003)
Disc 2 : (Materiels jamais utilisés)
1. Fear (2002)
2. For Death Holds No Dreams (2002)
3. Wormhole Through the Decay of Time (2002)
4. Paradeigma (2003)
5. Benediction (2003)
6. Stained Shadow Reverie (2003)
7. Cadere (2004)