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Chronique des membres  >  Goatwhore - The Eclipse Of Ages Into Black
Goatwhore - The Eclipse Of Ages Into Black

album The Eclipse Of Ages Into Black
groupe Goatwhore
label Rotten Records
année 2000
style black metal
lyrics clickez ici
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01. Nocturnal Holocaust
02. Lair of Nastrond
03. Desolate Path to Apocalyptic Ruin
04. The Beauty in Suffering
05. As the Reflection Slowly Fades
06. All the Sins
07. Satan’s Millennium
08. Upon this Deathbed of Cold Fire
09. Gravedom
10. Invert the Virgin
11. Perversions of the Ancient Goat
12. Into a Darker Sun
13. Under a Dark God
14. Commanding the Legions of Hell
15. Graveyards and Dead Angels

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