Inscrit le : 28-08-2017
Nb de messages : 109
Women; is there something wrong with their wiring? (21-09-17 @ 14:19:07)
Its been raining here for about 3 weeks, the same as lot of people i imagine, however, the girlfriend has just come out with a classic.
Just told our daughter, "its not wet enough for wellies!"
I was lost for words, and so was our 5 year old daughter, she burst into tears.
I can understand her tears as we tell her if its raining outside, and there are puddles, she needs to wear her wellies.
Please Help.
Thanks !
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
- Startup videos
> Message édité par johnnyhenderson le 21-09-17 @ 14:19:18.