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Chronique officielle  >  Bal-Sagoth - Battle Magic
Bal-Sagoth - Battle Magic

album Battle Magic
groupe Bal-Sagoth
label Cacophonous Records
année 1998
style black metal
lyrics indisponibles
site officiel


01. Battle Magic
02. Naked Steel (The Warrior's Saga)
03. A Tale from the Deep Woods
04. Return to the Praesidium of Ys
05. Crystal Shards
06. The Dark Liege of Chaos is unleashed at the Ensorcelled Shrine of A'Zura Kai (The Splendour of a Thousand Swords gleaming beneath the Blazon of the Hyperborean Empire Part II)
07. When rides the Scion of the Storms
08. Blood slakes the Sand at the Circus Maximus
09. Thwarted by the Dark (Blade of the Vampyre Hunter)
10. And Atlantis Falls...

aucune chronique officielle n' été postée pour cet album

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