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Chronique officielle  >  Vulgar Pigeons - Summary Execution
Vulgar Pigeons - Summary Execution

album Summary Execution
groupe Vulgar Pigeons
label Deathvomit Records
année 2001
style grind
lyrics indisponibles
site officiel


01. hymnal of the misanthrope
02. empty the streets
03. skullcap
04. swelling
05. carve
06. stumbling into the crossfire
07. msg
08. lampshade desire
09. follow the hum
10. flip off your boss
11. process of elimination
12. sunderland sickness
13. police = shit
14. intermission
15. pharmaceutical knockout
16. river rat
17. aggro-culture
18. colonizing the nearest habitual planet
19. corporate morgue
20. 100 feet off the roadway
21. fuck the police (bump)
22. in the hands of a benevolent chimpanzee scientist
23. permanent speechlessness
24. (t.f.s.) time for sleep
25. measure of loss
26. foreshadowing of ignorance

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