album The Xtc Of Swallowing Feaces
groupe Last Days Of Humanity
label Bones Brigade
année 2004
style grindcore
lyrics indisponibles site officiel http://www.goregrind.net/lastdaysofhumanity/
01) Zombie interlude
02) Excremental mess of fecal putrilage
03) 138 min. body disposal
04) Slithered limbs
05) Gruesome face decapitation
06) Fermented gut burst
07) Sounds of rancid juices sloshing around your coffin
08) Chopped up face beyond recognition
09) Orgasmic abortion
10) Ulcerated offal
11) Lugubrious genital miscreation
12) Erosed int. purulency
13) Exposed mangled orrifice
14) Entangled in septic gore
15) 48th cut
16) Excremental carnage
17) Decrepitated regurgitations in foetal leprosy
18) Carnal thrash
19) Effective impalement
20) Hacked into red mush
21) Xtc of swallowing torso feaces
22) A reeking pile of septic brainfluid
23) Grume collection of body parts
24) Rukkende mus
25) Necrotic eruption
26) Septic convulsion
27) Born to murder the world