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Chronique officielle  >  Macabre - Sinister Slaughter
Macabre - Sinister Slaughter

album Sinister Slaughter
groupe Macabre
label Nuclear Blast
année 1993
style death metal
lyrics indisponibles
site officiel


1. Night Stalker / Richard Ramirez
2. The Ted Bundy Song / Ted Bundy
3. Sniper In The Sky / Charles Whitman
4. Montreal Massacre / Mark Lupine
5. Zodiac / Identity Unknown
6. What The Hell Did You Do? / James Edward Pough
7. The Boston Strangler / Albert DeSalvo
8. Mary Bell
9. Mary Bell (Reprise)
10. Killing Spree (Postal Killer) / Patrick Sherril
11. Is It Soup Yet? / Daniel Rakowitz
12. White Hen Decapitator / Michael Bethke
13. Howard Unrah (What Have You Done Now?!) / Howard Unrah
14. Gacy's Lot / John Wayne Gacy
15. There Was A Young Man Who Blew Up A Plane / Jack Gilbert Graham
16. Vampire Of Dusseldorf / Peter Kurtin
17. Shotgun Peterson / Christopher Peterson
18. Whats That Smell? / Jeffery Dahmer
19. Edmond Kemper Had A Horrible Temper / Edmond Kemper
20. What The Heck Richard Speck (Eight Nurses You Wrecked) / Richard Speck
21. Albert Was Worse Than Any Fish In The Sea / Albert Fish

aucune chronique officielle n' été postée pour cet album

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