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Chronique officielle  >  Ildjarn - Strength and Anger
Ildjarn - Strength and Anger

album Strength and Anger
groupe Ildjarn
label Norse League Productions
année 1996
style black / ambient
lyrics indisponibles
site officiel


1. Strength and Anger
2. Strength and Anger
3. Strength and Anger
4. Strength and Anger
5. Strength and Anger
6. Strength and Anger
7. Strength and Anger
8. Strength and Anger
9. Strength and Anger
10. Strength and Anger
11. Strength and Anger
12. Strength and Anger
13. Strength and Anger
14. Strength and Anger
15. Strength and Anger
16. Black Anger (Hate Meditation 1)
17. Interchange
18. Midnight Strength, Black Anger (Hate Meditation 2)

aucune chronique officielle n' été postée pour cet album

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