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Chronique des membres  >  Bal-Sagoth - Starfire Burning Opon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule
Bal-Sagoth - Starfire Burning Opon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule

album Starfire Burning Opon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule
groupe Bal-Sagoth
label Cacophonous Records
année 1996
style black metal
lyrics indisponibles
site officiel


01. Piste CD-Rom
02. Black Dragons soar above the Mountain of Shadows -
03. To dethrone the Witch-Queen of Mytos K'unn
04. As the Vortex illuminates the cystalline walls of Kor-Avul-Thaa
05. Starfire burning upon the ice-veiled throne of Ultima Thule
06. Journey to the Isle of Mists
07. The Splendour of a thousand swords gleaming beneath the blazon of the Hyperborean Empire
08. And lo, when the Imperium marches against Cul-Kothoth, then dark sorceries shall enshroud the Citadel of the Obsidian Crown
09. Summoning the Guardians of the Astral Gate
10. In the Raven-haunted forests of Darkenhold, where Shadows reign and the hues of sunlight never dance
11. At the altar of the Dreaming Gods

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