album Warschau (Live)
groupe Marduk
label Regain Records
année 2005
style black metal
lyrics indisponibles site officiel http://www.marduk.nu/
01. The Hangman Of Prague
02. Seven Angels, Seven Trumpets
03. Slay The Nazarene
04. Azrael
05. Burn My Coffin
06. Panzer Division Marduk
07. Blutrache
08. Bleached Bones
09. The Black...
10. Steel Inferno
11. On Darkened Wings
12. With Satan And Victorious Weapons
13. Throne Of Rats
14. To The Death´s Head True
15. Sulphur Souls
16. Warschau
17. Wolves
Cd Limited to 10.000 Copies
Lp Limited to 500 Copies