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  Index du forum > Général > Discussions > why is ice golem used more than knight in top tier play?

Inscrit le : 28-08-2017
Nb de messages : 109


why is ice golem used more than knight in top tier play?    (22-09-17 @ 15:30:54)        

The ice golem and knight are 2 similar cards. Both have very high hp for a cheap cost. I’ve heard many people say recently that the knight has too much hp for its elixer cost, yet the ice golem has 15% more hp per elixer. Some may say this is due to the fact that knight attacks troops, but due to the ice golem not attacking troops, it can kite troops across the arena (see pekka). The attacking troops part is usually has more utility though. The ice golem also has a death burst which freezes and does a small amount of damage to troops, which can be key in situations (bandit vs ice golem and tower). The purpose of both of these cards is to soak up damage. In top tier play, ice golem is used about twice as much as knight (not saying knight isn’t very good, because it is)

Please Help !
Thanks !

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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