album Emetic Cult
groupe Haemorrhage
label Morbid Records
année 1995
style grindcore
lyrics indisponibles site officiel http://www.haemorrhage.ht.st/
1. Nekromantik/ Uncontrollable Proliferation of Neoplasm
2. Decrepit Dejection
3. Dilacerate the Sweet Diabetic Diabolism
4. Deranged for Loathsome
5. Escavating the iliac Fossa
6. Grotesque Embryon Pathology
7. Intravenous Molestation of Obstructionist Arteries (O-pus)
8. Via-anal Introspection
9. Fermented Postmortem
10. Cadaveric Metamorphose
11. Anatomized
12. Pernicious Dyseptic Invoculation
13. Foetal Mincer
14. Expectorating Pulmonary Mucopurulence