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Chronique officielle  >  Haemorrhage - Grume
Haemorrhage - Grume

album Grume
groupe Haemorrhage
label Morbid Records
année 1997
style grindcore
lyrics indisponibles
site officiel


1. Incinerator of Cadaveric Leftovers
2. Exquisite Eschatology
3. Torrent Like Eventeration
4. Dissect, Exhume, Devour...
5. Putrescent Necromorphism
6. Cartilageous Pulped Offals
7. Decom-posers
8. Fragments (Anatomical relics)
9. In Nephritic Blue
10. Ectopic Eye
11. Intravenous Molestation of Obstructionist Arteries (O-pus 2)
12. Rectovaginal Fistula
13. Formaldehyde
14. Far Beyond the Forensic Pathology

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