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Chronique officielle  >  Haemorrhage - Anatomical Inferno
Haemorrhage - Anatomical Inferno

album Anatomical Inferno
groupe Haemorrhage
label Morbid Records
année 1998
style grindcore
lyrics indisponibles
site officiel


1. Enshrouded in Putrilage
2. A Cataleptic Rapture
3. Surgery for the Dead
4. Treasures of Anatomy
5. Necrotic Garbage
6. Putritorium
7. Dawn in the Rotting Paradise
8. Aftertaste of Putrefaction
9. Worminfested Cavities
10. I'm a Pathologist
11. Cirrhoetic Liver Distillation
12. Witness of Forensic Horror
13. Dying on a Mass of Chyme and Rancid Excrement
14. Set the Morgue on Fire

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