album Effortless Regurgitation Of Bright Red Blood
groupe Regurgitate
label Lowland Records
année 1994
style grind
lyrics indisponibles site officiel http://www.regurgitate.net/
01. Intro/The art of intestinal regurgitation
02. Disgorging foetus
03. Confluent macular drug eruption
04. Bullous impetigo
05. Fleshfeast
06. Anorectal ulceration
07. Vulva fermentation
08. Multicystic kidney
09. Mucupurulent offal grinder
10. Total dismemberment of a female corpse
11. Carnal cacophony
12. Vomit breath
13. Complete rectal prolapse
14. Testicular trauma
15. Genital cancer
16. Malignant tumor
17. Diffuse systemic scerosis
18. Owner of a necrotic intestine
19. Newborn regurgitation
20. Torsion of the testicle
21. Worm eaten rectum
22. Chronic lymphatic leukemie
23. Meatal ulcer
24. Purulent discharge from the urethra
25. Vaginal obstriction
26. Cloudy, grayish vomitus
27. Fleshmangler
28. Splattered brains
29. Bulging vaginal septum
30. Acute urinary infection
31. Severe necroses of the face
32. Bleeding peptic ulcer
33. Face mutilation
34. Extensive ulcerative tumor
35. Tumescent foetal fluids to expurgate
36. Carbonized bowels
37. Effortless regurgitation of bright red blood