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Chronique officielle  >  Regurgitate - Comeback of Goregods
Regurgitate - Comeback of Goregods

album Comeback of Goregods
groupe Regurgitate
label Bizarre Leprous
année 2001
style grind
lyrics indisponibles
site officiel


01. Ahumado Granujo - Bleeding peptic ulcer
02. Assplosion - Complete rectal prolapse
03. Autophagia - Fleshfeast
04. Autophagia - Severe torture of the face
05. Babthup Shitter - Effortless regurgitation of the bright red blood
06. Bowek Stew - The pulsating feast
07. Carnal Diafragma - Deranged menarche injection
08. Castrado Cadaver - Total dismemberment of a female corpse + Vomit breath
09. C.B.T. - Bullous impetigo
10. C.B.T. - Effortless
11. C.B.T. - Total dismemberment
12. Cerebral Turbulency - Multicystic kidney
13. C.S.S.O. - Fear!
14. Disgorge - Disgorging foetus
15. Dysmenorrheic Hemorrhage - Tumecent foetal fluids to expurate
16. Extreme decay - Terror reign
17. Feculent Goretomb - Pheneretic chainsaw slaughter of a crippled infant
18. Filth Generation - Drastical decapitation of a raped infant
19. Filth - Capious head carnage
20. Fleshgrinder - Fleshmangler
21. Gore Beyond Necropsy - Fear!
22. Grind Butto - Claw hammer castration
23. Gronibard - Bleeding peptic ulcer
24. Gruesome Stuff Relish - Morbid reality
25. Haemorrhage - Disgorging foetus
26. Inhume - Genital cancer
27. Jan Ag - Cloudy gravish vomitus
28. Last Days of Humanity - Cyst eater
29. Lymphatic Phlegm - Methylated bile
30. Lymphatic Phlegm - Vomit breath
31. Mastic Scum - Bullous impetigo
32. Microphalus - Suicide
33. Mocovy Khameni - Desensitized
34. Morbid Savouring - Coprophagical mutilator
35. Mucupurulent - Effortless regurgitation of the bright red blood
36. N.C.C. - Carnal cacophony
37. NecroCannibal - Choked in shit
38. Necrovomit - Ruptured remains in a doggy bag
39. Neuro-Visceral Exhumation - Malignant tumour / Torsion of testicle
40. Neuro-Visceral Exhumation - Severe necroses of the face
41. Oxidised Razor - Disgorging foetus
42. Pertinent - Corpse allergy
43. Plasma - Purulent discharge from the urethrea
44. Purulent Spermcanal - Septic vomit of chyme
45. Realized - Brain scrambler
46. Repugnance - Acute urinare infection
47. Scum Bitch - Vomit breath
48. Spasm - Worm eaten rectum
49. Squalor - Vaginal obstruction
50. Vomito - Bleeding peptic ulcer
51. W.T.N. - Bleeding peptic ulcer

Prod : Bizarre Leprous Production

aucune chronique officielle n' été postée pour cet album


Je vois en quoi c'est choquant de voir Gronibard évoluer toujours dans le même style, c'est un side project fait pour... sinon écoute Warscars


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