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Chronique des membres  >  Regurgitate - Sickening Bliss
Regurgitate - Sickening Bliss

album Sickening Bliss
groupe Regurgitate
label Relapse Records
année 2006
style grind
lyrics indisponibles
site officiel


1. Bliss (intro)
2. Abducens eminence
3. Euphoric state of butchery
4. Coccoon of filth
5. Putrid serenity
6. Tenderizing the malformed
7. Violent necrophilic climax
8. Cavernous sores
9. Reborn in latrinic ecstacy
10. Bleed on me
11. Gutrot hogfrenzy
12. Undying lust for cadaverous molestation
13. Battered with a brick
14. Devoured by ghouls
15. Addiction (an unconditional love for blasphemous perversions)
16. (We are) sadistic hateful scum
17. Worm eater
18. Perish in blood
19. Upheaveal of human entrails
20. Bathed in feculence
21. Bestial sons of devastation
22. Defile
23. Deterioration of grated genitals
24. Excremental ingestment
25. Hacksaw hysterectomy
26. Catatonic possession

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