Xasthur Telepathic With The DeceasedBlack Depressif - 2004 - Displeased Records
None Shall Be Saved Choose Your SideHxC Old Scool to New School - 2003 - Auto Production
In Slaughter Natives ResurrectionIndus Ambiant - 2004 - Cold Meat Industry
Ah Cama-Sotz La PesteDark Ambiant Electronique - 1997 - Bats & Cats
Consummatum Est Funeral ProcessionFuneral Gothic Doom - 2005 - Auto Production
metal extrèmeblack - death - doom - grind527 groupes - 2000 albums - 209 chroniques
hardcore | fusionold school - emo - destructuro74 groupes - 164 albums - 56 chroniques
ambiant | folkdark ambiant - death indus - dark folk - ethnique85 groupes - 246 albums - 39 chroniques
electro | induselectro - ebm - metal indus14 groupes - 45 albums - 1 chroniques
metalheavy - thrash - prog48 groupes - 245 albums - 27 chroniques